For ethical reasons, for fairness and in order to comply with all current legislation, especially for regulated activities, you will find below all of our fees, our tariffs and our authorizations to practice.
We apply the following fees for transactions real estate when we are mandated.
Transaction fees
Simple sales mandate
Exclusive sales mandate
Research Mandate
When the property is offered by a partner agency, it is its sales mandate that applies with its fees and therefore potentially another commission rate.
The real estate transaction activity is a regulated activity.
According to the law 70-9 of January 2, 1970, known as "Loi Hoguet" and its decree of application n°72-678 of July 20, 1972, we exert on the card of real transaction: 0605 2019 000 041 188 delivered by the CCI of Paris Ile-de-France.
You can find all the details on the regulations on the Government website.

Package : « Tenant Search »
Rental fees
Main residence
Secondary residence
1 month's rent excluding charges + VAT
1 month's rent excluding charges + VAT
11€ to 15€/m2 (ALUR Law)
1 month's rent excluding charges + VAT

Package : « Rental management »
Annual management fee: 7% of the annual rent collected
The activity of real estate rental management is a regulated activity.
We declare that we do not receive any funds other than our fees and we have taken out a Financial Guarantee Insurance Policy for Real Estate Management for an amount of 110 000€. According to the law 70-9 of January 2, 1970, known as « Loi Hoguet » and its decree of application n°72-678 of July 20, 1972, we exert on the card of real estate management: 0605 2019 000 041 188.
Our fees for seasonal rentals of houses or apartments are charged to the tenant and are 20% TTC of the rent if the property is proposed by a private individual.
However, if the property is offered by a real estate agency, we will share their fees (listed in their fee schedule) so that there is no double commission.
All the services offered through this service are presented on the page Financing.
We offer you our bank brokerage service which we charge 1% (including VAT) of the total capital borrowed with a minimum of 5000€ (including VAT).
As part of the rules of good conduct, our clients are informed upstream when there is a commission retrocession carried out by the chosen bank agencies.
The company is registered in the unique register of insurance, banking and finance intermediaries of the ORIAS under the number: 20007721 as a Broker in Banking Operations and Payment Services. (COBSP)
Our insurance brokerage service is not charged to our clients as it is a complementary service to our transaction service.
As part of the rules of good conduct, our clients are informed in advance when there is a retrocession of commission by the insurance companies chosen.
The company is registered on the unique register of insurance, banking and finance intermediaries of the ORIAS under the number: 20007721 as an Insurance Broker (COA)
You will find our different formulas related to the management of your property on our page Administrative management
Package Property rented: fixed fee of 3000€ TTC per year
Package Secondary home : fixed fee of 5000€ TTC per year